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  2. Windows XP (sp2) activation - social.microsoft.com


    Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Activate Windows. Or, click the Windows Activation icon in the taskbar notification area next to the clock. 2. Click Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows now.

  3. Windows XP MCE - PRODUCT KEY - social.microsoft.com


    From memory, I am sure it did..so I ended up installing an XP version from my older laptop which is well frazzled and in pieces in the loft.

  4. CRM Charts: Need to show COUNT(records where type =...


    We have an Action table and the Resolution column in that table can be Telephone, Email or Letter. We want the COUNT(number of actions resolved using Telephone)/COUNT(total number of actions) * 100 in the CRM bar chart. i.e. if we have 100 columns in our action tableand of them 40 rows have the value 'Telephone'

  5. Can Quote IDs and Order IDs be customized and calculated?


    The Quote ID and Order ID is readonly and generated by the system. We have established formats for Quote and Sales Order numbers for our business. Before adopting CRM, we need to know if we can customize the system to generate Quote and Sales Order numbers to match our format. Quote Number Format = CCCCCCYYMM where CCCCCC = customer id, YY ...

  6. ASP.NET Web Forms and TAPI integration using XLITE


    Thank for the reply Kristine, most of the example I've seen was windows application using C#, what i need is asp.net deployed on a server (IIS8) that will invoke the TAPI (installed) on the client side.,and tapi will going to handle XLITE to make a call.

  7. a direct phone number to contact a activation specialist about my...


    By install id you probably mean the support person asked for the Product ID. That is located at the very bottom of the System Properties page. Click on Start, right click on Computer, select Properties from the context menu. The Product ID is NOT the 25 character product key that is on the label on your computer.

  8. Limit number of records returned in view and report


    Is it possible to limit the number of records returned in a view and report? To be more specific, I am building an activity report and view in CRM 2013 and want to limit the report to a quick view of the LAST completed activity only by sales rep. Cannot seem to find a way to accomplish that...

  9. Auto load Potential Customer when creating Opportunity from Lead...


    Thursday, May 19, 2011 7:00 AM. Moderator. 0. Sign in to vote. Requirement given to me is while converting a lead into Opportunity i need to. 1) decrease number of clicks. 2)open opportunity immediately with all values filled up related to lead. so i wanted to do it by clicking add new opportunity but originating lead is populated but potential ...

  10. Number of outlook users - social.microsoft.com


    I think I recall that there is a setting either in Security Roles or System Settings maybe on the CRM application under Options where you can set the minimum amount of time that users can sync Outlook.

  11. Office Standard 2007 does not accept the 25 character product key...


    - Phone number where purchased- Point of Contact @ the Business (if you had any)- If purchased on the internet please provide the website- What alias was the individual using online? Usually this is prevalent with people who are selling software on auctions sites