We Treat Action Gambling and Escape Gambling

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If you are interested in learning more about our problem gambling treatment options in Richmond, VA or online contact us today!

What We Treat

Addiction is a crippling condition that affects millions of people every year. If you or a loved one are struggling, just know you’re not alone. Addiction can be a difficult thing to deal with, but by treating the root cause you can overcome your addiction and regain control of your life. At Williamsville Wellness, we understand the challenges that come with addiction and co-occurring disorders and have experience treating a variety of conditions. Recovery is possible and we’re here to help you on that journey.

Alcohol Addiction

We specialize in alcohol addiction treatment and can provide the support you need to overcome alcoholism.

Drug Addiction

At our drug addiction treatment center, we provide comprehensive residential care for a range of drug addictions.

Adderall Addiction

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to Adderall, there are treatment and therapy options available.

Co-Occurring Disorders

We offer dual diagnosis treatment that addresses both the addiction and the underlying mental health disorder.

Cocaine Addiction

With proper guidance and support, it’s possible to overcome cocaine addiction to live a fulfilled life free from drug abuse.

Gambling Addiction

Understanding problem gambling can help you, or your loved one, get the support needed to overcome this disorder.

Marijuana Addiction

We can help you or a loved one overcome Marijuana addiction and any emotional dependence on the drug.

Meth Addiction

We offer a holistic approach to meth addiction treatment addressing physical, mental, and emotional addiction.

Opioid Addiction Treatment

The opioid epidemic has been devastating and far-reaching. Get help for a loved one facing opioid addiction.

Prescription Drug Addiction

For many people, prescription drug addiction catches them off guard. Fortunately, there is hope for overcoming addiction.

Xanax Addiction

The first step in treating Xanax addiction is recognizing the issue. Seeking support is essential for long-term recovery.

Warning Signs of Gambling Addiction

There are a number of signs and symptoms that can indicate someone is struggling with an addiction to gambling. If you’re concerned that someone you know may be addicted to gambling, look out for the following warning signs:

  • Chasing losses by gambling more money in an attempt to win back what was lost

  • Betting more money than one can afford to lose

  • Lying to friends and family about gambling habits or hiding evidence of gambling

  • Feeling anxious, irritable, or restless when not gambling

  • Needing to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling

  • Gambling even when there is no money to spare

  • Borrowing money to gamble or not paying debts in order to gamble more

  • Sacrificing work, school, or family time in order to gamble

  • Having thoughts about suicide or self-harm as a result of gambling losses

  • Denying the concerns of family and friends regarding gambling behavior

Our Addiction Treatment Modalities

Williamsville Wellness offers addiction treatment based on individual needs. This means that we tailor our approach to each person, taking into account their unique circumstances. Our focus is on helping people heal their mind, body and spirit.

Learn About What Constitutes Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is not just a matter of someone enjoying a scratch-off lottery ticket every now and then or going to a casino for a special event with friends. Gambling addiction is a serious problem that can lead to financial ruin, legal problems, and destroyed relationships. People with gambling addiction may feel like they can’t stop gambling, even when they are in debt or losing money. Understanding problem gambling can help you, or your loved one, get the support needed to overcome this disorder.

Start Your Recovery
Features of Our Addiction Treatment Center

Throughout treatment, patients stay within one of our warm and welcoming houses - an environment for recovery much different than the clinical setting found at many other rehab centers. Our Richmond, Virginia addiction treatment center features shared bedrooms, a formal dining room, an in-house kitchen where nutritious meals are prepared, and a gym that features various workout machines/equipment as well as a massage chair.

Gambling Addiction Causes

There is no single cause of gambling addiction. It is believed that pathological gambling may be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. For some people, gambling can become a way to cope with stress or escape from problems. Gambling can also be a way to make money, but it often results in financial problems over time. Gambling addiction can also stem from mental health disorders like ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, and impulse control disorder.

An addiction to gambling can also be seen when the reward pathways in the brain are altered. When a person has a gambling addiction their brain’s reward system becomes stimulated in the same way as a person struggling with alcohol or drug addiction.

Start Your Recovery

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in learning more about our problem gambling treatment options in Richmond, VA or online contact us today!

Effects of Gambling Addiction

Although the effects of pathological gambling are more difficult to see compared to substance abuse, they can still be very detrimental to a person’s quality of life. Some of the negative effects of gambling addiction include:

  • Financial Problems: Gambling addiction can lead to financial ruin. People with gambling addictions may spend large amounts of money on gambling. They may also borrow money to gamble or sell possessions to get money to gamble. This can lead to debt, foreclosure, and bankruptcy.
  • Relationship Problems: Gambling addiction can destroy relationships. People with gambling addictions often lie to their loved ones about their gambling habits. They may also neglect their responsibilities at home or work in order to gamble. This can lead to arguments and conflict within relationships.
  • Legal Problems: People with gambling addiction may also get into legal trouble. They may gamble illegally or commit illegal acts to get money to gamble. This can lead to arrest and jail time.
  • Physical and Mental Health Problems: The stress related to pathological gambling can cause a variety of physical and mental health issues including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stomach issues. Problem gamblers may also turn to substances to alleviate unwanted mental health side effects.

Gambling Addiction Treatment

If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction there is help available. Gambling addiction is a treatable disorder and there are many resources available. Treatment for gambling addiction can vary depending on the severity of the addiction and may include a combination of therapy, medication, and support groups.

Williamsville Wellness offers comprehensive, residential gambling addiction treatment in Richmond, VA. Our program focuses on uncovering the root cause of your pathological gambling through individual and group therapy sessions.

As a dual diagnosis treatment center, we can also treat co-occurring alcohol or substance abuse issues related to your gambling. For mild to moderate compulsive gambling, we offer online outpatient treatment as well.

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